Individual sessions 

Emotion Defence 

Duration: 50 minutes 

Coaching is a collaboration between a client and a coach that allows accessing one's own resources to improve performance levels. Emotion Defence uses techniques such as active listening, empathy, and reframing to help clients understand and express their emotions in a healthy and constructive way. This approach is crucial for identifying and overcoming emotional barriers or patterns that hinder personal growth or well-being, enabling the client to identify alternative options and bring about rapid and sustainable change.

It offers the opportunity to:

· Manage stress and anxiety
· Develop new, more effective mental and behavioral patterns
· Face life's challenges with greater awareness and choice

Emotion Defence Antistress 

Duration: 1 hour

Emotion Defence offers a unique experience in its training that goes beyond the usual conventional methods. Through the use of a special equipment (RedMan), it is possible to control and channel stress, anxiety, and tensions in a controlled and constructive manner. Releasing one's tensions by using one's energy creates a dual advantage - it increases the feeling of well-being by relieving accumulated muscle tension caused by stress, and it provides the opportunity to gain greater self-assurance and confidence. The integration of NLP techniques also contributes to increased self-control and emotional management. The session can be conducted using batons or gloves, depending on individual needs. It can be carried out at the client's residence.

Group sessions

During Emotion Defence training, team members learn to better understand their strengths and weaknesses, to understand and appreciate the differences of others, and to work together in a more efficient and effective manner. Physical contact, an integral part of team training, can help team members develop better coordination, communication, and mutual trust. Working together to perform personal defense techniques or protect a team member can strengthen the sense of solidarity and cohesion.

The use of RedMan helps to release accumulated stress and manage emotions and stress in a healthy and constructive way. In combination with NLP techniques such as relaxation, positive visualizations, and effective thinking patterns, it offers the opportunity to enhance personal resources, develop resilience, and face challenges in a more constructive manner. 

The duration, strategy, and objectives of the training are agreed upon with the client.