About Me

My name is Roberto Curelli, and I served in the State Police for 36 years as a Personal Defense and Athletic Preparation Instructor at the Police School of Alessandria. During my training activities, I had the privilege of training thousands of young officers. I have also been involved in civilian training.

During my activity, I was involved in an event that marked a turning point in my life. I risked my life on a bus on fire in an attempt to prevent a kidnapping.

My main goal in sharing my experience and stress management method with others is to help people overcome difficult moments and improve their emotional well-being. My system offers practical tools and effective strategies to cope with stress and develop greater resilience.


    • Neuro-Linguistic Programming Practitioner (NLP New Code)
    Personal Defense and Athletic Preparation Instructor - Ministry of the Interior
  • Personal Defense Instructor ACSI/CONI
  • Trainer Qualification IF – Italia Forma
  • Training in Psychopedagogical Methodologies - Psychological Sciences and Techniques

  • Practitioner of Ju-Jitsu, Savate, and Krav Maga
  • Silver Medal for Civil Valor for meritorious service
  • Knight of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic