
Stress is a physical and mental reaction of the body to situations that require a response or adaptation. It can be caused by various factors, including work pressures, personal issues, and significant life changes.


Stress can have negative effects on health if it persists long-term or becomes excessive, leading to problems of premature aging, both physical and mental.

If not properly released, negative emotions, according to many experts, not only make us unhappy and dissatisfied but can also harm health, increasing the risk of cardiovascular diseases and high blood pressure.

How to reduce stress? By releasing one's tensions in a controlled manner

The concept of cathartic behavior originated in Japan in the early 2000s, with the creation of the first "Rage Rooms" within Japanese companies to provide managers and employees with the opportunity to release anxiety and tensions. It was later exported to the United States where it gained great success.

Based on this principle, Emotion Defence offers a unique experience in its training that breaks away from conventional patterns. Using RedMan, it is possible to control and channel stress and tensions in a constructive manner.

The ability to strike with a baton or bare hands, using all one's energy, provides a dual benefit: it enhances the sense of well-being by relieving accumulated muscle tension due to stress and offers the opportunity to acquire new skills in the field of personal defense.

The integration of NLP techniques also contributes to increased self-control and emotional management, leading to greater self-confidence.