Stress Management - Emotional Control - NLP


If you are here, it's because, at least in part, you share my interests. 
You are individuals open to new ideas and experiences, eager to learn, and inclined to adapt to new ways of thinking and acting.

 Emotion Defence focuses on stress management and emotional control.

 Through stress management, I help develop strategies to cope with daily pressures. Emotional control aims to promote balanced reactions to situations.  By integrating these aspects, my approach promotes overall well-being, closely connected to well-aging, and provides tools to face challenges with resilience.

What is Emotion Defence?

A unique training methodology.

The idea stems from my extensive experience in the field of self-defence with the aim of creating a method based on the connection between our emotional response and the ability to react actively in stressful situations.

A situation experienced during my professional activity served as the starting point for the concept of Emotion Defence.

 I risked my life on a burning bus while attempting to prevent a kidnapping.

During this experience, I have experienced significant stress both physically and mentally, which has made it difficult to handle the situation and has prompted me to seek effective ways to manage this situation.

I have developed a method for managing stress by combining Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and self-defense. This integrated approach has proven to be effective in providing practical tools to address stress in a comprehensive and holistic manner.

The proposed training aims to dissipate emotions such

  as anger, fear, frustration, repressed aggression.

It is an extremely effective technique for reducing stress - a major cause of discomfort and premature ageing (longevity)

and for improving self-perception, abilities, and self-esteem.

Emotions influence physical responses because they are interconnected with our physiology and behaviour.

My Method

My training system allows the use of our emotional responses as a source of energy, providing the mental and physical strength to react appropriately and effectively in every emotionally significant situation.

The control obtained can help maintain mental clarity and make rational decisions, avoiding being overwhelmed by emotions and acting impulsively.

It leverages the potential of NLP to teach how to manage emotions, stay calm, and maintain clarity in stressful situations.

This emotional control is extremely useful where making quick and rational decisions is crucial.

It utilizes RedMan, a protective equipment designed in the United States, which allows for the testing of emotional and physical reactions under stress.

Emotion Defence arises from the desire to share experiences gained in teaching and self-defence with the goal of helping others.

Because facing physical and emotional challenges allows us to develop new skills, abilities and better strategies for adaptation and resilience in the face of future challenges.

Emotion Defence è in Italia, Svizzera e Costa azzurra